Thursday, October 11, 2007

Going to China!!!!!

So....... I haven't posted in awhile, so I thought I would right now because I'm bored and I just finished my Socials 11 final. Well, nothing interesting is going on with me at the moment, 'cept I'm going to China this Sunday!!!!!! I'm pretty excited because everything in cheap cheap cheap!!!!! I've alreay told my friends I'm buying them stuff, and also I'm getting things for myself as well. Mostly pearl necklaces because they're so cheap and my mom is such a great barterer.....

I will be gone from October 14th until the 22nd. I will get to see things like the great wall of China, as well as the terracota soldiers in Xiian, China. Most of my time will be spent in Beiijing. On our way back though we get to stay a night in Tokyo, Japan, and believe me, EVERYTHING is expensive over there. A Big Mac at McDonalds in Japan costs about 10.00, just for the burger!!!!!!! It's insane. Good thing we're only staying one night there. It will be quite an experience.

Well, got to go. It's almost time for lunch!!!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

First Couple Of Days.....

Well, I've done the first few days of school this year, and boy were they confusing and hectic!!!!! Sure I love being in my classes because I'm with most of my friends all year, but I HATE how much more crowded the halls have gotten. It makes me feel like a sardine. Ew......
Anyway, the first two days at school were amazing, all except for the crowdedness and the confusing scheduale (or however you spell it :P). These past few days I haven't really thought about the computers we get..... GASP! I'm so bad.....
The only thing this year is that I don't feel I'm going to be using it that much anymore. I want to hang out more with my friends, but whenever I do, I don't feel like I'm included because I wasn't there last year and I haven't bonded with anyone very much. It's my own fault though.....
Well, I better get ready for school, and I also have nothing more to post. Talk you ya'll later!!!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Oh, Manda

Well, today was a blast. I went to the mall with Amanda, and we walked everywhere. We bought buttons, and shirts and c.d.'s and bags. Hmm................... I bought myself the new Kalan Porter c.d., as well as the Transformers soundtrack. First of all, the Tranformers c.d. is amazing, as well as the Kalan porter c.d.

I also bought Amanda the Hairspray soundtrack as a sort of late birthday present. She was happy and I was happy so it was all good. I like buying people presents.

So, we started at the food court, and we walked up to Sterling, looking at all the shoes, then to Suzy Sheir. We didn't find anything there, but we tried on some jewlery, or at least, Amanda did.

After shopping around for an hour and a half and not buying anything, we went back to the food court and ate food. Hmmm....... poutine and pizza is sure an amazinig combo.
After lunch, we went to HMV, and that's where I bought the c.d.'s, then we went to bluenotes and both of us bought shirts. I like mine.

That's really all I did that was exciting, except when I stayed in line at ATSS for two and a half hours waitning to talk to Mr.Abernathy to change some of my courses. Finally I got them changed, and this is what I have.

Semester 1:

Foods with Mrs.Kehoe
P.E. with Ms.Hunt
Art with Mr.Macphail
Biology with Mrs.Faber
Socials with Mr.Friesen

Semester 2:

English with Mrs.VanDalfsen
P.E. with Ms.Hunt
Math Principles with Mrs.Van Kleek
Learning Assistance (Spare) with Mrs.Collins
Socials with Mr.Friesen

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Last Week Of Freedom

Well, school starts in a week, and I think I'm ready for the year. I want to have more fun this year and hang out with ma friends more. Also, last year I wasn't being myself like I should've been. sometimes I felt I was just being what other people wanted me to be. this year that's going to change.
I'm going to join the leadership team and I can't wait to help plan all the school events. It's going to be fun. I am also hopefully going into musical theatre this year again. It was so much fun last year being the Sour Kangaroo that I want to do it all over again. I heard at the end of last year there might or might not be a musical theatre, but if there is, we might be doing Alice In Wonderland. If this comes true, I so want to be the Queen Of Hearts. Ithink that role suits me, don't cha think?

Anyway, I went to the mall yesterday after putting a tonne of cash into my account. Oh my gosh, it was so much fun. I bought two pairs of shoes and 2 shirts. I had a lot of fun, but got some pretty funky stuff in the end.


So that was my BIG splurge before I go back to school. I might just waer one of these on the first day of school........Hmmm.........

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh boy......

Hey ya'll.

Okay, well, this is me, typing on my computer, posting a new blog entry. Boy am I tired.
Well, this week I'm having shifts of 7 hours and higher. I really need to get Dr.Scholls because my feet hurt so much when I get off. I have no support in my feet what so ever.
Anyways, I got a letter from my school today, and I found out who I'm having and what classes I've been put in. One thing I'm very happy about is that I didn't get Mrs.Neufeldt for any of my classes. That's one teacher I don't wanna have again. I mean, she almost failed me just because I went to Europe with my family during the school year. Nope, not having her ever again. I got most of the classes i wanted, but they put me in a class I didn't even want.I wanted to go into musicla theatre and they put me in choir. So guess what I'm doing when I get to school. Talking to Mr.Abernathy. Also something that's really stupid is that they didn't put me in a math class even though I need a math class in order to graduate.
So, that's the jist of what's exciting in my life at the moment, even though it isn't very exciting. I am going to be going to China from October 14th to the 23rd, so I'm looking forward to that. I cannot wait for that because I'm brining loads of money so I can bring back stuff for my friends and have some stuff for me too. What's nice is that everythings cheaper over there....... hehehehe o.0

Hope everyone's having a great summer! Love you guys and cannot wait to see you when the school year starts!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hmmm....Las Vegas.....

Well, I got back from Las Vegas on Monday night and I didn't wanna leave so soon. I enjoyed myself down there, except for all the sex advertisments........ creepy. No wonder they call it Sin City......
Anyway, when I was down there, my parents and I went to all the hotels and saw what they were like. It was cool because it felt like you were going to different parts of the world all on one street. I mean, in one day I went to Hollywood, New York, Egypt, Paris, the Medevil times, Rome, Italy, and the Mediteranian. it was wild.
On Monday my family and I went to The mirage hotel to see the white tigers, lioins, lepeords, and dolphins. Oh my gosh, can you say cute? The white tigers looked so content and they were so cute. They all slept in different areas and slept on their paws. One white tiger was playing in the water and just loved it.

Somthing I also enjoyed was seeing the Cirque de Soleil preformance of Ka! It was an amazing preformance and so entertaining to watch. I loved it. If I could have watched it again, I would've. What made it so cool was that they weren't always on the stage, they were everywhere! I was never bored.
Basically the rest of the time was going through all the hotels and shopping. We found out that all the shops in the hotels were too expensive, so we went to the mall where the regular people shopped, and boy was it huge!!!!!! We also went to the Premimum Outlet stores because everything is cheaper there too. I loved it, and it was so cheap! I bought a pair of shoes....... hmmmmmm............
Miss you all

Friday, August 03, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Hello everyone!

Well, in a couple hours I'll be on my way to the airpot to get onto a plane. Oh, I hate planes. Anyway, at 3:00pm today my parents and I will be leaving our newly renovated house for Vegas. Our plane leaves at about 5:00pm and we'll arrive in Las Vegas at about 10:00pm in the evening.
While we're down there, we're going to be seeing the Cirque de soleil; Ka!, the white tiger exibit at The Mirage, the Star Wars ride, and quite a few more thing; hopefully as well as a few roller coasters.
Of course I'm going to shop down there. I have $222.00 to spend and I might not spend it all, but I want a few cool things to remember the trip. Maybe a cool shirt, or a new bag, or something else that catches my eye.
Anyways, when we get down there, we'll be staying in the Paris hotel (5 star.... wOOt!!!!) in one of their nicest sweets. I'm excited about that. I'm also excited to just see Las Vegas at night. It's supposed to be amazing. I can't wait to see all those neon lights everywhere. It's going to see so cool!!!!
When I get back I'll put some pictures up so everyone can see!!!!!! ^^

Love you all and hopefully see you when I get back!!!

P.S. I saw Erin at the White Spot last night and she says hi to everyone and can't wait to see us all again in September!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Up Early


Well, I'm at my mom's work at the moment because bith my parents work. I'm also working today so if I hadn't gone with my mom to work, I would be at home calling the White Spot saying I don't have a ride. That wouldn't be very professional.
Right now at the White Spot I've been getting trained to work as a hostess and had two training sessions last week. I even worked on my birthday so I could learn how to be a hostess.
Anyway, hosting is kind of nice because you're always up in the front and you get to talk to people. You greet, sit people down in a place that best suits their number, tell them the feature for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and when you have time you can beverage the table. Every hour you have to check the washrooms to make sure they're clean and no garbage is all over the floors. That's probably my least favorite part of the job, otherwise it's great.
I also have voice lessons today and I'm pretty excited about that. My old teacher has gone on maternity leave, so now I'll be taught by somebody else until she comes back. Today I get to meet her and see what she's like.
Voice lessons are so much fun. You always have a say in what you sing and that makes it so much fun. I never sing a song I don't want to sing. At the beginning I had to because of not knowing anough about singing to do the more difficult ones.
Anyways, I finally got my mom to say yes into putting SIMS2 on her laptop (after 2 hours of bribbing) and will be playing it as soon as I get home from work and voice lessons. I had this old computer that was very slow and I tried playing SIMS2 on it, but it was so slow it took two hours to load, and another hour to start making a family, and another hour to make the house. It was not fun.
Well, hopefully my day at work will be good, my voice lessons won't be too hard on my sore throat, and I'll be playing SIMS2 by the time the day's out.

See ya!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Augh.............. I'm tired

Hello everyone!

Well, I just finished babysitting after four and a half hours of working at the White Spot. Oh man...... I keep second booking myself. If it isn't babysitting, it's a double shift at the White Spot. I'm supposed to only be working part-time, but now I'm working full time, and then some. This coming week I'm working six days out of the seven. Yikes. If I was stillworking at Panago, I wouldn't be getting this many hours. I can't really complain though, because I'm making loads of money. I believe in this week alone I made over a hundred and fifty dollars. Oh man, what a summer.
Anyways, I'm going to talk about something toally random now........ my cat. I love her so much and she's so funny. My dong Brandy and my cat Glory are the best of buds. My cat swats the dogs nose, and then the dog chases the cat around the house. Then the dog can't find the cat because she's hiding. Finally, after the dog has given up, my cat pounces on my dogs head and runs the opposite way. My dog is too stunned to do anything and just lye's down.

Awe man, my cat and dog are too funny, and I love my work. Awe man, I am so bored right now, so I might just go to sleep. So, I'll just go to bed now, and then I go to work tomorow.

Bye bye now!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day Before.......

Well, it's the day before my birthday, and I just found out that I'm working tomorrow and Friday as well as Saturday and Sunday. Oh man.......... I'm working over twenty hours in four days. I think that's insane, but I'm getting a lot of money. It will be kind of nice tot get a big paycheck and save it for my two up-coming vacaions. Whenever I go on a vacation, I have to buy some sort of souvenir.
Hmmm....... well, I still have my cold, and my cough is getting worse by the day. Maybe this cold will end soon so I can start going on the tredmill. I hate having colds because they limit what you can do.
Anyway, I got another one of my presents today. It was from my friend Kassie. She couldn;t make it to my party, so she came over last night. She got me the Chris Daughtry C.D. just what I wanted. I think he's a good singer and his music is easy to listen to. My friend Kathryn also came last night for a sleepover, as she wasn't able to come to my big birthdya party as well. She got me Purdy's chocolate hedgehogs. Hmm....... yum. She also got me a fruits basket manga book that I love as well.
Well, that's all I have to say, and I hope that everyone is having a great summer. I love you all ^^

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Oh my gosh, this cat is so cute. I wish my cat did this. It's so adorable.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Just Thinking...

Awe man................................................... so hot.......................................................

I know it's summer and all, but being hot in a basement is just crazy. There's no place to escape the heat. What sucks the most is that I haven't been spending much time with my friends, but hopefully that'll change during the last half of the summer. If it doesn't, I'll have the whole school year.
Next year, I'll be in grade 11 and getting more credits towards my graduation, and hopefully I don't have to do that stupid portfolio thing the government is makin us do. Good thing is that they started changing a lot of things in it so us grade 10's couldn't work on it. It's just more work to do that doesn't actually need to be done.
Also, all of my friends are staying there, well, most of them. Rhys is leaving ATSS and so is my younger friend Kathryn. They will be missed.
Rhys is going to a school with a better art program, as he wants to become an artist when he gets older. Kathryn on the other hand wants to go to a school that's bigger and supposedly better.
Time seems to be flowing by right now. Summer's almost half over and I'm starting to think about school again. Oh man, I don't want summer to end so soon. I like it, but seeing my friends more often would be nice....... but I know that they're enjoying their summer's just like I am. I can't wait to see you all when school comes around again!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Early Birthday Present

Well, I found out what my first birthday present is. Believe me, I was very surprised when I found out what it was. At first I didn't want my parents to tell me what it was because then it would spoil the surprise, but then my mom was so eager to tell me she just showed me what it was. At first, it didn't hit me because it was a bunch of papers, but then I started to read them. My parents booked us a trip to Las Vegas in the ***** (5 Star) Paris Hotel from August 3rd to the 6th.
While we're there, we're also going to see the Cirque de Soleil and going to a Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert. I'm really excited.
The only thing is that my mom is talking about shopping, but I'm trying to save my money for China in October. I really want to get some things there though to remember that trip. I'm going to take a lot of pictures though, you can count on that!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hmm........... Transformers

Wow, Transformers was amazing. Oh my gosh! Shia le Bouff is amazing, just the perfect actor for the perfect movie. Hmm.......... I am so buying the movie when it comes out, even though they decieved us all by saying it was rated PG when it really was 14A. Grr........... they decieve us all.................... oh well, it was a good movie and I don't really care.

Seriously, if anybody says that Transformers was bad, I'll hurt them, because either they're blind, or have really werid standards for movies.

Sorry, that was my little rant for this evening. But seriously, if someone says that Transformers was bad, I'll hurt them........... hehehehehe

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hmmmm....................... hello everyone!!!!!!

Well, I just had my birthday party and it was so rad! I got a painting made for moi by my friend Melissa (love you turtle and have fun at camp!) and I also got a journal from my friend Spencer. I also got body lotions, hand lotions and body mist from my friend Brittany, and a scrapbooking hang-up for my wall from Karmin. My other friends, Rhys, Caleb, Alyssa, Natalie, and Chantelle all gave me money or certificates for money. I'm pretty excited cause now I have an excise to go shopping........ hehehehehehe ^.^
My friend Nisha almost couldn't make it, but she did, and she brought me flowers (awe!) and I was so happy that she did. Her mother had scedualed Nisha to work that night even tough she knew it was my birthday party day......grr. But she made it and all my other friends made it, so it was all good.
Poor Manda, she couldn't make it to the party, but she was there in spirit. I had also hung 'out with her on moday when we went to go see Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer for the second time. Hmm....... Johnny Storm is so cute..... but that's another blog entry waiting to happen.
Sorry I haven't been posting for awhile. I've been busy getting ready for either exams or my party. You know how it gets when sometimes you have so many things to do and you don't have time to do it all. I have been feeling like that until this very moment. I now officially don't have anything else to worry about so I'm all good. Now I'm going to sit down, relax, and do more blog entries over a less amount of time. Awe, I love you guys!
Oh, and guess what! I actually made pancakes and nobody died when they ate them! Well, they do always say, first time's the charm........ joking!!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Finally Back Home

Hello ya'll.

Well, my vacation is over, and I had a blast for the most part. The plane rides were okay, but when we actually got to our first destination, I was so extatic. Paris was a wonderful city. I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, went under the Arc de Triomff, walked down the Chantalisez, and saw Versailles. Boy was that palace huge.
Everything was going well, until we found out that our train tickets to Barcellona had been stollen. My mom was frantic, but in the end, it worked out fine. A little squished, but fine.
Our next destination was Barcellona. We only stayed one night there, but just being there was amazing. We did a little shopping and then went on the ship.
Then we were on the ship and we went to Nice, Cannes, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Athens, Santorini, Dubrovnick, and Venice. I got lotsa suvenirs and got gifts for my friends.
I also have a list of things that went wrong on the trip.
1. Train tickets to Barcellona get stollen.
2. Key cards don't work on the cruise ship.
3. Get stuck in Rome and can't get a taxi back to the ship.
4. Break my glasses on the second last day of the cruise.
5. Plane gets delayed in Venice, Italy.
6. Suitcase lost; never made the flight and is still in Venice.

It was an interesting vacation, but I loved every minute of it.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Well, I'm Off

Well, I'm off tomorrow and I'll see all you peoplez when I get back. It's going to be a pretty interesting trip, and hopefully I'll meet new people in these new places. I'm so excited, but also sad cause like I said, I will miss my friends and my nana. This is probably the shortest post I've ever written, and also probably the last before I leave. If I don't get to talk to any of my friends before I go, have a great three weeks and be safe.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Three More Days.....

Well, I only have three more day until I leave for Europe with my family. The only thing is that I'm going to miss my friends a lot, but I will be able to come back with gifts for them. I love buying things for my friends because it makes them smile.

Today I got my money exchanged today for euros. I exchanged over $400.00 canadian to get $285.00 in Euros. My parents are also giving me $300.00 Euros because I got on the honour role, so I'm now close to my goal of $600.00 Euros. I think that's enough for a three week vacation.

Anyway, hopefully I'm going to be albe to keep in touch with all my friends since there's internet on the ship. I might also send some postcards too, I'm not sure though. I think e-mailing would the best way to go because then my friends get it right away and can answer me back if they want to.
I am sooo excited to go on my vacation to Europe. I've really only been to North and South America, so this is all new to me. I can't wait to see all the famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower and the L'Arc de Triomff. I am so extatic.
Well, I better go because I have to do my homework for tomorrow, as it's my last day of school before my vacation. I'm also getting my 3 week homework load

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Canucks Won Against The Ducks!!!!!! ^^

Well, it's the day after the second game with the Canucks versus the Ducks, and.............. WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the second overtime the Canucks did a beautiful goal and won the game. It was pretty rad because my mom and I thought they were going to go into at least two more overtimes, but they proved us wrong. Hehehehehehe, who ever said the Ducks were a better team were STUPID because Canucks rule and nothing can change that. Now all they have to do it win three more games and then they go to the next round while the Mighty Ducks go play golf. Hehehehehehehe........

GO CANUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I Hate The Ducks!

Well, The Ducks won and we lost........grr..............
Last night was just sad. At first it looked like we might have a chance to win against the Mighty Ducks, getting the first goal and all, but after the Ducks got three goals in the first period, I knew the Canucks were a gonner. 5-1 is a pretty sad score for a first game, but the Canucks were missing quite a few main players because of either sickness or injury.
Tonight is the second game of the second round of the playoffs. Hopefully the Canucks do a little better this time............

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Trunk Monkey Compilation

Oh my gosh! It's the trunk monkey! Bad drivers, teens, and robbers will never be safe again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Almost time to go.........

Well, less than two and a half weeks I'll be in Europe seeing the way people live over there. I'll be seeing famous monuments, riding donkey's up hills, buying nifty souvenirs in each place like leather and so on, and being able to get out of school to see the world is a bonus.
My family and I are so excited about this vacation because my mother and I have never been to Europe before and my dad is from there so he is excited to show us where he's from. I'm just excited to see all the new places and to see how much different they live over there. The weather is also supposed to be very good over there. Last week in some areas were as warm as 30' C and that's insane for spring! I can't wait for the most amazing spring weather ever!
Anyway, my mother and I are going to Bellingham next Wednesday afterschool. I need to get a new formal dress because there are three formal nights on the ship and I only have one dress. I also need to get some more clothes like shirts, bottoms, etc..... because we're going away for three weeks. We got some of those air bags that take all the air out of them so you have more room in your suitcase.
Anyway, my uncle's coming over tonight and we're going out for dinner with him and my nana because he doesn't com down too often and we thought it would be nice for my nana since she's in a home and can't go up to see him anymore. Plus, it's nice to see my nana with a smile on her face and she really only smiles when she around her friends in the home, or when we take her out somewhere. She's really changed............
Anyway, on a happier note, I get to get a lot of new clothes and get to see new places in the world and buy things like leather jackets and other cool stuff. I better go though because well, because it's Friday and lunch is almost over.

Talk to ya'll later!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Work Was Rad!

Hello everyone! Working at the White Spot is soooooo amazing! So far everyone likes me, especially the boss' sister. I was so worked up on Friday because I thought it was going to be really hard and I wouldn't be able to do it, but now I know that I got all worked up for nothing! It is sooo easy and soo much fun working at the White Spot because almost everyone there is very nice. There's only one or two girls that are very rude and ignorant, but you can't escape them all. What's really nice though is that I know most of the people that work there either from going there all the time, or from their kids or I went to school with them. It's really nice, and I don't want to leave, and hopefully I don't have to.
I'm on a three month probation with my job. So basically if I don't do my bect during those three months, they'll basically say that this isn't the job for me and that I should probably find another job. Hopefully that won't happen. It looks like almost everyone likes me, or maybe they're just hiding their hatred towards me................ hopefully not................. I worry too much............

Saturday, March 31, 2007


Here is a halarious cat video and I'll add more videos of other animals soon!^^

Okay...... I said I was going to add other animal videos, but this one was too funny to not put in.....

This is a cute video because of some of thie things the cats do.

Okay....... this is my last cat video!!!! This one is cute.

*GASP!* Talking dogs!!!!!!

Who let the dogs out????

I love While Cyote. He's soooo funny and I think that he's my favorite character out of all them. ^^

Monday, March 26, 2007

Back At School, And Yet Another Surgery

Hello ya'll,

I am sooo bored right now, of course because I'm back at school and have no work to do at the moment. I am in Information Technology and there's nothing to do. Mr.Macphail's going around the whole class checking if we can log in to things like abbynet or my gradebook. It's kind of retarded that some students forget in that time period, but it will come back sooner or later.
I'm kind of looking forward to going to P.E. because then I can talk with Chantelle!!!!!!!!!!! Awe man I want to go to P.E., though I can't run so it's all stupid because of my stupid toes.......
Speaking of toes and surgeries, I have to go to a surgin in April about my wisdom teeth. Lucky me, I'm going under the knife for the nineth time, only with this one I'll be out like a light. I would be totally fine with it, if only I wasn't having to get an I.V. in my arm. I know it's not for awhile because I probably won't be able to have the surgery until after my Europe vacation. In June or July, oh boy. If it's in July, then happy birthday to me............jee................what a great present..................................

Anyway, time is of the essence. I won't let this bug me.........................too much. I'm going to have a good time and see my friends, and do my schoolwork......when I get some. I'll just think about fields of flowers and cute little I'm scaring myself. Maybe I should just stop typing for now..............

Monday, March 19, 2007

Busy Much??????

So it's Monday, and I have nothing to do today, except go out to dunner with my family later on. Tomorrow is when the fun begins. I never thought I was going to get a job at the White Spot, let alone my mother actually knowing the manager of the place.I have an orientation there tomorrow and I am soooo extatic because I'll get tips once I become a bus boy and waitress. Also, on Wednesday, my parents and I are going down to Bellingham in the States for some vacation shopping, as we need a lot of clothes for when we go on our vacation to Europe. We will be gone for three weeks.......
Anyway, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday I'm helping Gallery 7 by doing sound for their latest play Steel Magnollias. If you haven't seen it, it's halarious and being played at MEI Secondary. Also on Friday, I am getting together with my former care group leader Julia for a couple of hours to just catch up and hang out. I love spring break; always enough time to spend with friends and family.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Break

Hey ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited about my whole spring break vacation. So far on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays I'm doing the sound for Gallery 7's play Steel Magnollias, on the 13th I'm going to a care group movie night, then going to mt friend Amanda's house with Chantelle for the night to watch the extended movie editions of Lord of the Rings, and lastly, on the 19th I'm having my own movie night and inviting some of my firneds over to watch the X-men trillogy. It's going ot be a rad spring break for me. I hope it lasts.......

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

In another Play Again

Hey everyone.

Well, I'm in another play, only this time I'm doing the sound for Steel Maglolias. It's a really good play and I have two comp tickets to give away........... Whoever wants to see a halarious play, just tell me! I have 2 tickets!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh!!!!! On Monday it was my first time there and guess what! The sounds for the freakin show weren'r put into the computer yet! How annoying would that be to someone! I'll tell ya; ubber annoying. I had to do all the sound manually, THEN, if the C.D. player is kept on too long without being played, it takes the C.D. back to the beginning wihich is sooooo retarded cause then you have ot mute the whole sound system just go bring it back to where you were. I swear this will probably be the last time I do sound for a play. It will either be preforming or back stage assistant work for me.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Hello everyone!

I went to the most raddest party last night! It was at Melissa's house and we ate pizza, cake, and watched Prde And Prejedice on her HUGE projector screen television. Joanna and I ate 6 pieces of pizza (Joanna was hungry and said she woudln't eat another piece unless I did; I took small pieces...... hehehehehe), but we both had small pieces of cake so it was all good. ^^ Also, Melissa got this amazing shirt; it has the Snow White queen on it and it says, "Mirror Mirror, who asked you?" lol! I love it!People that were at the party were myself, Tiffany, Stephanie, Brooke, Joanna, Amanda D, Jenna, Alyssa, Brittany, Natalie, Erika, Andrea, Melanie, Renee, Melissa of course, and a couple other people I can't remember.......... It was pretty rad.
Also, I went to Brittany's sweet 16 and that was soooo rad as well! Oh my gosh, there was soo much junk food it wasn't even funny. Brittany got this cool Rice Krispies shirt, as well as another shirt. She also got this amazing watert colour painting that my friend Rhys did; it is sooooo cool! It's amazing also how birthdays can give you sooooo much money. Both of my friends got tonnes of money. Man, I can't wait till my sweet 16 birthdya party!!!!!! It's going to be soooooo rad................................ I just nedd to find out what I'm doing first, but it's all good!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Hello everyone.

Right now I'm stuck in a socials class with nothing to do and I am totally bored! I wish I could go and do whatever I want with ma friends (hehe, Bob and Larry) but sadly, no luck getting out.......
All we have to do is a crossword and it' super easy; I've already finished half, and I don't want to finish the rest right now because it's sooooo boring....
Listening to Jeremy at the moment, and he's pretty cool. If only more Christian music was like his...... I would like a lot more singers that way^^. His voice is soo nice. Yes, I know I'm talking about random stuff right now...... I'm allowed to, aren't I?
Oh man................... I am quitting my job at Panago, not really the birghtest idea, as I don't have a new job to go to....... My mom wants me to because I'm getting this huge spreading rash all over my hands from somthing that's used there, so that's why I'm leaving. I put an application at the White Spot, but they don't need anybody at the moment. So, I might but another application form and resume down at the Towne Cinema and try to get a job there. So far, I know of wo people that actually work there. I would rather work atthe White Spot though.........................................

Oh well, I always have babysitting, and that pays well. ^^ lol

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Hello everyone!

Just recovering from a cold, and I'm glad I did when I did. Once I got back, I had to write a practice science exam, catch up on review, art assignments due at the end of the week, and I just finished a math provincial. Holy cow, I thought I wasn't ready, but I feel pretty good about the whole thing. A couple of questions I guessed at, but I think my reviewing of all of my math stuff helped a lot. Also, the practice math provincial I had from yesterday, some of the questions were on the test I did so I just reviewed those at lunch.

Anyway, listening to "Numb" by Linkin Park right now (Miami Vice theme song) and I am so bored because I can't talk to my friend Chantelle, as she hasn't finished her test yet. Grrrrrr................ I don't know what to do, but hopefully I find something to do for an hour before I murderlize something................

Speaking of merderlization, I want to muderlize the government because they were the ones who thought of these stupid exams that freak us tenneagers out. If the Earth was a world without tests, I would be super happy. I wouldn't be as stressed anymore, and have more time to do stuff instead of studying. I know some exams are needed like drivers licence exams for your L and N, but we don't really need school exams that are worth 25-40% of our mark. That freaks everyone half to death. The thing I always worry about is if I don't pass, I have to do the whole class again either next semester or next year. I would hate that more than anything.

Enough about tests, lets talk about plays. I have to go again tonight to take stuff on and off the set and then put it back on again. I'll be there from about 6:00pm till about 11:00pm and boy am I going to be tired tomorrow during school. I also have quite a bit of homework to do for Art class, but I don't think I'll have ebough time to do everything so I might bring my homework to do between acts, but that's only 20 minutes, so I might just wait until I either get home, or do it during my 2 art classes, but I already know that's not enought time to do 12+ pages. Oh boy, I think I'll be staying up late tonight with a blow dryer......................

I've taken a lot of pictures of all of my friends, so I'm going to probably put them up here in a collage when I have time, but that probably won't be t'ill about a week today after my two provincials. I am so glad I only have those 2...............

Friday, January 19, 2007

Last Two

From Front: Me and Zachary and Stacey and my mom Shelley behind us on Journey to Atlantis at Sea World

An actual jaw from the largest shark that exsisted. Woah, I could get swallowed pretty easilly by that thing, don't cha think?

Here's the last two pictures of my vacation I'm putting on my blog. The rest will be on my photobucket account.

More Photos

Our Waiter Anthony and his Assistant Waiter Tameia.
The preforming stage on board where we listened to singers and comedians and watched dancers and jugglers.
My extended family. From left: Zachary, Stacey, Larry and Lorna
First night on the Vision Of The Seas on the pool deck. Isn't it all pretty lit up?

Here are some more photos. Sorry I didn't put these up faster, it's just that I coudn't find the time to do it. I cannot fit all of them on here so I'll put them onto my photobucket account, okay?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Last Night

Hello everyone!

I had the most amazing night last night.

Before the dress rehersal for my mom's play "Lost In Yonkers" started last night, my friend Spencer came up to be and asked if my day at school went well. I told him that it went well, except for my teacher is making the whole class finish one third of a project she gave us on Tuesday due Thursday (aka tomorrow [last night]). Then he asked me which teacher it was cause if it was Mrs.Wedel he could help me (Mrs.Wedel's husband works at MEI Secondary), but I told him it was my sciene teacher Mrs.Thain. Then he said, "Okay then, I guess my help would work as a severe dis-advantage to you then..." and he gave me a hug. As we were walking down the hallway, we goofed around and laughed and also prayed that we wouldn't mess up that night. It was really cool.
The next thing I know my second mom, Stacey (Zach's [sorta brother] mom) comes up to me and says, "No flirting. Working, not flirting." She fools around with me a lot. But then she says, "Chloe you're not a stupid flirt as in you stutter and can't talk when you're around someone you like. You're a productive flirt as in you can talk and be normal." After this whole speech, I was shocked because I wasn't expecting that.
Anyways, during the break, Spencer and I are talking about how well the first act went, and how we haven't made any mistakes yet, when he says, " Chloe, you're amazing." and I asked, "Why?" and he answered, "Spiritually I can see you love God and you have an amazing family. You are also a great person." At this I said, "Thanks. You are too. I'm glad to have you as a friend." And he answers, "Me too," and puts his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hallway.

So that is my exciting evening. The rest of it isn't that interesting, but I gave you the gist of it. Tonight I have to go to another play dress rehersal and stay there until about 11:00pm, but it's a lot of fun and I love helping out with plays and being in them^^.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

Hello all!

I am so bored it's not even funny! Being in Information Technology with nothing to do is quite depressing. Well, I can always surf the net, but there's nothing I really wanna search for.................
Last night I doodled a couple of pictures, but I don't have a scanner so I can't put them on the computer....... Oh well, I might get one and I might not so all my drawings on paper you might not see. I'll try to draw more drawings on my computer, that's if I get a tablet for my computer....... *looks at mom and smiles*....... but I don't think that's going to be soon......

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Suessical The Musical

Hello all~

Doing 3 shows in one day is very tiring, especially when I have to sing majorly in every single show. Every once in awhile my voice was a little cracky, but I pulled it off, or at least that's what everybody told me. Everybody did a wonderful job on this play and put a lot of effort into making their character theirs. It took me months to figure out what I was going to do to make the Sour Kangaroo the way I thought she would be. I hope all my friends enjoyed either being in it or watching it.
I have some pictures of me in my costume with my friends inside and outside of the play. Hopefully I'll be able to put them up either on my blog here, or on photobucket soon................

Thursday, January 04, 2007

More Pictures

Here are some more pictures.

Finally Back!


As you can see, I am now back from my vacation. I got back from Los Angelis at around 3:00am and I am sooooo tired. When I woke up this morning I was thinking of going back to bed because I don't have to do anything today, but then I decided not to because I wanted to catch up on some stuff I havent been able to do for the past ten days.
I had quite a Christmas this year. It felt so weird to be away from my house and everything on a holiday like that. It was fun and really interesting, but I don't think I'll do it again........
If anybody's interested, my family and I took a lot of pictures during our vacation so I thought it would be cool to put some of them onto the blog. I'll tell you where they were taken and what they are. These pictures are sooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is some of the people that went with us (this guy name Jordan on the left is sooo nice, well, all of them are nice) We were waiting for our pland to L.A.
From left to right: Jordan, Courtney, Katie, Ryan

Here is the main lobby of the Vision of the Seas all decorated for Christmas.