Thursday, October 11, 2007

Going to China!!!!!

So....... I haven't posted in awhile, so I thought I would right now because I'm bored and I just finished my Socials 11 final. Well, nothing interesting is going on with me at the moment, 'cept I'm going to China this Sunday!!!!!! I'm pretty excited because everything in cheap cheap cheap!!!!! I've alreay told my friends I'm buying them stuff, and also I'm getting things for myself as well. Mostly pearl necklaces because they're so cheap and my mom is such a great barterer.....

I will be gone from October 14th until the 22nd. I will get to see things like the great wall of China, as well as the terracota soldiers in Xiian, China. Most of my time will be spent in Beiijing. On our way back though we get to stay a night in Tokyo, Japan, and believe me, EVERYTHING is expensive over there. A Big Mac at McDonalds in Japan costs about 10.00, just for the burger!!!!!!! It's insane. Good thing we're only staying one night there. It will be quite an experience.

Well, got to go. It's almost time for lunch!!!!!

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