Monday, April 02, 2007

Work Was Rad!

Hello everyone! Working at the White Spot is soooooo amazing! So far everyone likes me, especially the boss' sister. I was so worked up on Friday because I thought it was going to be really hard and I wouldn't be able to do it, but now I know that I got all worked up for nothing! It is sooo easy and soo much fun working at the White Spot because almost everyone there is very nice. There's only one or two girls that are very rude and ignorant, but you can't escape them all. What's really nice though is that I know most of the people that work there either from going there all the time, or from their kids or I went to school with them. It's really nice, and I don't want to leave, and hopefully I don't have to.
I'm on a three month probation with my job. So basically if I don't do my bect during those three months, they'll basically say that this isn't the job for me and that I should probably find another job. Hopefully that won't happen. It looks like almost everyone likes me, or maybe they're just hiding their hatred towards me................ hopefully not................. I worry too much............

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