Friday, July 20, 2007

Augh.............. I'm tired

Hello everyone!

Well, I just finished babysitting after four and a half hours of working at the White Spot. Oh man...... I keep second booking myself. If it isn't babysitting, it's a double shift at the White Spot. I'm supposed to only be working part-time, but now I'm working full time, and then some. This coming week I'm working six days out of the seven. Yikes. If I was stillworking at Panago, I wouldn't be getting this many hours. I can't really complain though, because I'm making loads of money. I believe in this week alone I made over a hundred and fifty dollars. Oh man, what a summer.
Anyways, I'm going to talk about something toally random now........ my cat. I love her so much and she's so funny. My dong Brandy and my cat Glory are the best of buds. My cat swats the dogs nose, and then the dog chases the cat around the house. Then the dog can't find the cat because she's hiding. Finally, after the dog has given up, my cat pounces on my dogs head and runs the opposite way. My dog is too stunned to do anything and just lye's down.

Awe man, my cat and dog are too funny, and I love my work. Awe man, I am so bored right now, so I might just go to sleep. So, I'll just go to bed now, and then I go to work tomorow.

Bye bye now!!!!

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