Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Is Coming!!!

Hello everyone!

Awe man Christmas is just around the bend, and luckilly I don't have to do any Christmas shopping this year because I'm going on a Christmas cruise with my family and friends. Well, not really my friends, but my parents friends. I'm going to be boarding the ship on Christmas Eve in Los Angeles, California and we go into the Mexican Riviera. It's going to be sooooo much fun!!!!!!!!! The only thing is that I don't get any presents or a stocking this year because of this trip. Not even stockings because my parents don't want to carry them there and back, but I wouldn't mind to put them in my suitcase but no, they're not letting me.

I guess I'm just going to but stuff for myself this Christmas, except my friends before I go on vacation. I also will get my parents small things, but I'm not sure quite yet what kind of things.........

OH!!!!!! By the way, I am also going to Disney Land for New Years and it's going to be soooo totally awsome!!!!! My favorite ride would have to be California Screamin' because it's sooo fast and it's also such an awsome rolller coaster. Yes, I Chloe love roller coasters. When I was little I hated them because of the speed and how you almost came out of your seats sometimes. But now, I love the feeling when I go upside down and how the wind goes right past me because of the ride going to fast.
I also like a lot of other rides there, but I wont name them all.

Well, it's the end of my Info Tech class so I must leave you all. lol

See ya!


Anonymous said...

chloeeeeee i lovvee you!
ur downright fabulous!


anways...im STOKED for saturday...ooohh OOhhhhh..
see you tommorow!
(ps: best ride ever....SPLASH MOUNTIAN!) ;)

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!! That is an awsome ride! That's like one of my favorite rides(my dad doesn't like the drop at the end....)!!!!!

I know! I am sooo extatic about Saturday!!!! It's going to be soooo awsome!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


i can't waiitt!


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

I loved Splash Mountain! It was insane~ I'ma comin with u >;) I'll uhhh hide in ur suitcase ^^

I got drenched on that ride lol

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

Okay!!!! I can fit one more person because my familt has a lot of suitcases.......WHO WANTS TO COME???

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

MEEEE!!! I call dibbs!!!

btw manda if you read this here... I can't comment on ur blog anymore =( It won't let me ="(

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

Awe, I can still put comments on it, but that sucks for you telley!

That's so stupid......... I wonder why?