Monday, December 18, 2006

Woah Vacation


I am soooo extatic!!!!!!! I am going on vacation in four days and I haven't started packing. I actually don't know what to pack and might just go and buy a whole tonne of new clothes. I found these cute pair of jeans at Addition Elle today afterschool, but I don't have enough money......
They were so gorgeous, I just wanted to have them, but no I can't afford them right now because I have no money. It kind of sucks because I'm going on vacation and I have no money to spend on suvenirs, but hey, I'm sort of okay with that.........
The only thing is, I'm not even getting presents right, so I was going to buy my own presents, and some small things for my parents, but I don't think I even have enough money for that. I'm really broke right now it's not even funny. I can't even buy my origional Starbucks hot chocolate or frapachino because their two-three dollars each.
My life sucks right now, but yet it's so fun and exciting........ Yes..... I know I'm weird........
Anyways, I went to theatre practice tonight thinking I was going to have to do line notes again, but this time, I got to play one of the characters and it was kinda fun. Everyone said at the end of the night that I did well for a first time reading the second part of the play and actually putting feeling into the character and how he (yes, the character I played tonight was a guy because he couldn't make it tonight) was supposed to act towards other characters.
It was so rad, but alas, I got to go to bed now and before that, have to finish my homework. Talk to you all later!!!!

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