Sunday, December 10, 2006

Amazing Race Miracle!

Hello everyone!

Oh my gosh!
If anybody watches The Amazing Race, today was the finale! Oh man, the people who won this race around the world are these two young models that used to be drug addicts. They both met during rehab and now their sober. I was soo happy for them that they won the million dollars because during rehab they met and became friends, and also became Christians. During the whole race they prayed to God and ask him for guidance during the hardships. During the finale, this other team named Rob and Kimberly got onto a flight that was supposed to be full from Paris, France to New York, New York and the boys just prayed and asked and begged God to try and get them on that plane. Minutes later, a lady that worked at the airport asked for a James (one of the models names) and there were two seats left. They ended up getting on the play and soon after winning The Amazing Race. I was sooo happy for them in sooo many ways I cried a bit (I know, I'm a sap....but they were really nice young men and it was amazing how their life was turned around and I was just happy for them, okay?!?!?!?!?).

Anyway, that was my little post for this evening before I get ready to go to bed so I can get enough sleep^^. I hope that everyone had a good weekend and are going to have a great Christmas holiday (I'll post more before Christmas, don't worry!:P)


Anonymous said...

chloe i lovvvvve youuu!!!
thats a pretty cool story!

ur amazing! (im excited fer saturday!)



ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

Wow.... This was posted on Sunay?
Oh Cwoe <333333

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

Yup, I posted it on Sunday, and oh boy, I'm so tired right now because I have sooo many things to do and not enough time to do it.....