Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Up Early


Well, I'm at my mom's work at the moment because bith my parents work. I'm also working today so if I hadn't gone with my mom to work, I would be at home calling the White Spot saying I don't have a ride. That wouldn't be very professional.
Right now at the White Spot I've been getting trained to work as a hostess and had two training sessions last week. I even worked on my birthday so I could learn how to be a hostess.
Anyway, hosting is kind of nice because you're always up in the front and you get to talk to people. You greet, sit people down in a place that best suits their number, tell them the feature for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and when you have time you can beverage the table. Every hour you have to check the washrooms to make sure they're clean and no garbage is all over the floors. That's probably my least favorite part of the job, otherwise it's great.
I also have voice lessons today and I'm pretty excited about that. My old teacher has gone on maternity leave, so now I'll be taught by somebody else until she comes back. Today I get to meet her and see what she's like.
Voice lessons are so much fun. You always have a say in what you sing and that makes it so much fun. I never sing a song I don't want to sing. At the beginning I had to because of not knowing anough about singing to do the more difficult ones.
Anyways, I finally got my mom to say yes into putting SIMS2 on her laptop (after 2 hours of bribbing) and will be playing it as soon as I get home from work and voice lessons. I had this old computer that was very slow and I tried playing SIMS2 on it, but it was so slow it took two hours to load, and another hour to start making a family, and another hour to make the house. It was not fun.
Well, hopefully my day at work will be good, my voice lessons won't be too hard on my sore throat, and I'll be playing SIMS2 by the time the day's out.

See ya!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Augh.............. I'm tired

Hello everyone!

Well, I just finished babysitting after four and a half hours of working at the White Spot. Oh man...... I keep second booking myself. If it isn't babysitting, it's a double shift at the White Spot. I'm supposed to only be working part-time, but now I'm working full time, and then some. This coming week I'm working six days out of the seven. Yikes. If I was stillworking at Panago, I wouldn't be getting this many hours. I can't really complain though, because I'm making loads of money. I believe in this week alone I made over a hundred and fifty dollars. Oh man, what a summer.
Anyways, I'm going to talk about something toally random now........ my cat. I love her so much and she's so funny. My dong Brandy and my cat Glory are the best of buds. My cat swats the dogs nose, and then the dog chases the cat around the house. Then the dog can't find the cat because she's hiding. Finally, after the dog has given up, my cat pounces on my dogs head and runs the opposite way. My dog is too stunned to do anything and just lye's down.

Awe man, my cat and dog are too funny, and I love my work. Awe man, I am so bored right now, so I might just go to sleep. So, I'll just go to bed now, and then I go to work tomorow.

Bye bye now!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Day Before.......

Well, it's the day before my birthday, and I just found out that I'm working tomorrow and Friday as well as Saturday and Sunday. Oh man.......... I'm working over twenty hours in four days. I think that's insane, but I'm getting a lot of money. It will be kind of nice tot get a big paycheck and save it for my two up-coming vacaions. Whenever I go on a vacation, I have to buy some sort of souvenir.
Hmmm....... well, I still have my cold, and my cough is getting worse by the day. Maybe this cold will end soon so I can start going on the tredmill. I hate having colds because they limit what you can do.
Anyway, I got another one of my presents today. It was from my friend Kassie. She couldn;t make it to my party, so she came over last night. She got me the Chris Daughtry C.D. just what I wanted. I think he's a good singer and his music is easy to listen to. My friend Kathryn also came last night for a sleepover, as she wasn't able to come to my big birthdya party as well. She got me Purdy's chocolate hedgehogs. Hmm....... yum. She also got me a fruits basket manga book that I love as well.
Well, that's all I have to say, and I hope that everyone is having a great summer. I love you all ^^

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Oh my gosh, this cat is so cute. I wish my cat did this. It's so adorable.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Just Thinking...

Awe man................................................... so hot.......................................................

I know it's summer and all, but being hot in a basement is just crazy. There's no place to escape the heat. What sucks the most is that I haven't been spending much time with my friends, but hopefully that'll change during the last half of the summer. If it doesn't, I'll have the whole school year.
Next year, I'll be in grade 11 and getting more credits towards my graduation, and hopefully I don't have to do that stupid portfolio thing the government is makin us do. Good thing is that they started changing a lot of things in it so us grade 10's couldn't work on it. It's just more work to do that doesn't actually need to be done.
Also, all of my friends are staying there, well, most of them. Rhys is leaving ATSS and so is my younger friend Kathryn. They will be missed.
Rhys is going to a school with a better art program, as he wants to become an artist when he gets older. Kathryn on the other hand wants to go to a school that's bigger and supposedly better.
Time seems to be flowing by right now. Summer's almost half over and I'm starting to think about school again. Oh man, I don't want summer to end so soon. I like it, but seeing my friends more often would be nice....... but I know that they're enjoying their summer's just like I am. I can't wait to see you all when school comes around again!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Early Birthday Present

Well, I found out what my first birthday present is. Believe me, I was very surprised when I found out what it was. At first I didn't want my parents to tell me what it was because then it would spoil the surprise, but then my mom was so eager to tell me she just showed me what it was. At first, it didn't hit me because it was a bunch of papers, but then I started to read them. My parents booked us a trip to Las Vegas in the ***** (5 Star) Paris Hotel from August 3rd to the 6th.
While we're there, we're also going to see the Cirque de Soleil and going to a Tim McGraw and Faith Hill concert. I'm really excited.
The only thing is that my mom is talking about shopping, but I'm trying to save my money for China in October. I really want to get some things there though to remember that trip. I'm going to take a lot of pictures though, you can count on that!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Hmm........... Transformers

Wow, Transformers was amazing. Oh my gosh! Shia le Bouff is amazing, just the perfect actor for the perfect movie. Hmm.......... I am so buying the movie when it comes out, even though they decieved us all by saying it was rated PG when it really was 14A. Grr........... they decieve us all.................... oh well, it was a good movie and I don't really care.

Seriously, if anybody says that Transformers was bad, I'll hurt them, because either they're blind, or have really werid standards for movies.

Sorry, that was my little rant for this evening. But seriously, if someone says that Transformers was bad, I'll hurt them........... hehehehehe