Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Break

Hey ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited about my whole spring break vacation. So far on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays I'm doing the sound for Gallery 7's play Steel Magnollias, on the 13th I'm going to a care group movie night, then going to mt friend Amanda's house with Chantelle for the night to watch the extended movie editions of Lord of the Rings, and lastly, on the 19th I'm having my own movie night and inviting some of my firneds over to watch the X-men trillogy. It's going ot be a rad spring break for me. I hope it lasts.......


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

mucho love for you girl!

wat day is the 19th??? I think I can make it, sure hope so!

haha that was funny didn't really watch the LOTR! oh well... we played it!


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...
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ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

sorry posted twice... dumb blogger being mean! I go watch TV....

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

Awe, okay!

Yeah, the X-men trillogy thingy would be awesome. I just need to talk to my parents about it and then it will be good to go!

I'm also glad you're feeling better Chantelle, and congrats on your compliment from your boss!