Thursday, January 18, 2007

Last Night

Hello everyone!

I had the most amazing night last night.

Before the dress rehersal for my mom's play "Lost In Yonkers" started last night, my friend Spencer came up to be and asked if my day at school went well. I told him that it went well, except for my teacher is making the whole class finish one third of a project she gave us on Tuesday due Thursday (aka tomorrow [last night]). Then he asked me which teacher it was cause if it was Mrs.Wedel he could help me (Mrs.Wedel's husband works at MEI Secondary), but I told him it was my sciene teacher Mrs.Thain. Then he said, "Okay then, I guess my help would work as a severe dis-advantage to you then..." and he gave me a hug. As we were walking down the hallway, we goofed around and laughed and also prayed that we wouldn't mess up that night. It was really cool.
The next thing I know my second mom, Stacey (Zach's [sorta brother] mom) comes up to me and says, "No flirting. Working, not flirting." She fools around with me a lot. But then she says, "Chloe you're not a stupid flirt as in you stutter and can't talk when you're around someone you like. You're a productive flirt as in you can talk and be normal." After this whole speech, I was shocked because I wasn't expecting that.
Anyways, during the break, Spencer and I are talking about how well the first act went, and how we haven't made any mistakes yet, when he says, " Chloe, you're amazing." and I asked, "Why?" and he answered, "Spiritually I can see you love God and you have an amazing family. You are also a great person." At this I said, "Thanks. You are too. I'm glad to have you as a friend." And he answers, "Me too," and puts his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hallway.

So that is my exciting evening. The rest of it isn't that interesting, but I gave you the gist of it. Tonight I have to go to another play dress rehersal and stay there until about 11:00pm, but it's a lot of fun and I love helping out with plays and being in them^^.


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

AWWWWW! That is so CUTE! Isn't flirting fun? ^-^'

Now I really wish I met Spency ^^

Anonymous said...


thats so rad cwoe!

<3 u.


º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

It was a nice night. We're good friends.