Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Oh, Manda

Well, today was a blast. I went to the mall with Amanda, and we walked everywhere. We bought buttons, and shirts and c.d.'s and bags. Hmm................... I bought myself the new Kalan Porter c.d., as well as the Transformers soundtrack. First of all, the Tranformers c.d. is amazing, as well as the Kalan porter c.d.

I also bought Amanda the Hairspray soundtrack as a sort of late birthday present. She was happy and I was happy so it was all good. I like buying people presents.

So, we started at the food court, and we walked up to Sterling, looking at all the shoes, then to Suzy Sheir. We didn't find anything there, but we tried on some jewlery, or at least, Amanda did.

After shopping around for an hour and a half and not buying anything, we went back to the food court and ate food. Hmmm....... poutine and pizza is sure an amazinig combo.
After lunch, we went to HMV, and that's where I bought the c.d.'s, then we went to bluenotes and both of us bought shirts. I like mine.

That's really all I did that was exciting, except when I stayed in line at ATSS for two and a half hours waitning to talk to Mr.Abernathy to change some of my courses. Finally I got them changed, and this is what I have.

Semester 1:

Foods with Mrs.Kehoe
P.E. with Ms.Hunt
Art with Mr.Macphail
Biology with Mrs.Faber
Socials with Mr.Friesen

Semester 2:

English with Mrs.VanDalfsen
P.E. with Ms.Hunt
Math Principles with Mrs.Van Kleek
Learning Assistance (Spare) with Mrs.Collins
Socials with Mr.Friesen

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Last Week Of Freedom

Well, school starts in a week, and I think I'm ready for the year. I want to have more fun this year and hang out with ma friends more. Also, last year I wasn't being myself like I should've been. sometimes I felt I was just being what other people wanted me to be. this year that's going to change.
I'm going to join the leadership team and I can't wait to help plan all the school events. It's going to be fun. I am also hopefully going into musical theatre this year again. It was so much fun last year being the Sour Kangaroo that I want to do it all over again. I heard at the end of last year there might or might not be a musical theatre, but if there is, we might be doing Alice In Wonderland. If this comes true, I so want to be the Queen Of Hearts. Ithink that role suits me, don't cha think?

Anyway, I went to the mall yesterday after putting a tonne of cash into my account. Oh my gosh, it was so much fun. I bought two pairs of shoes and 2 shirts. I had a lot of fun, but got some pretty funky stuff in the end.


So that was my BIG splurge before I go back to school. I might just waer one of these on the first day of school........Hmmm.........

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Oh boy......

Hey ya'll.

Okay, well, this is me, typing on my computer, posting a new blog entry. Boy am I tired.
Well, this week I'm having shifts of 7 hours and higher. I really need to get Dr.Scholls because my feet hurt so much when I get off. I have no support in my feet what so ever.
Anyways, I got a letter from my school today, and I found out who I'm having and what classes I've been put in. One thing I'm very happy about is that I didn't get Mrs.Neufeldt for any of my classes. That's one teacher I don't wanna have again. I mean, she almost failed me just because I went to Europe with my family during the school year. Nope, not having her ever again. I got most of the classes i wanted, but they put me in a class I didn't even want.I wanted to go into musicla theatre and they put me in choir. So guess what I'm doing when I get to school. Talking to Mr.Abernathy. Also something that's really stupid is that they didn't put me in a math class even though I need a math class in order to graduate.
So, that's the jist of what's exciting in my life at the moment, even though it isn't very exciting. I am going to be going to China from October 14th to the 23rd, so I'm looking forward to that. I cannot wait for that because I'm brining loads of money so I can bring back stuff for my friends and have some stuff for me too. What's nice is that everythings cheaper over there....... hehehehe o.0

Hope everyone's having a great summer! Love you guys and cannot wait to see you when the school year starts!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Hmmm....Las Vegas.....

Well, I got back from Las Vegas on Monday night and I didn't wanna leave so soon. I enjoyed myself down there, except for all the sex advertisments........ creepy. No wonder they call it Sin City......
Anyway, when I was down there, my parents and I went to all the hotels and saw what they were like. It was cool because it felt like you were going to different parts of the world all on one street. I mean, in one day I went to Hollywood, New York, Egypt, Paris, the Medevil times, Rome, Italy, and the Mediteranian. it was wild.
On Monday my family and I went to The mirage hotel to see the white tigers, lioins, lepeords, and dolphins. Oh my gosh, can you say cute? The white tigers looked so content and they were so cute. They all slept in different areas and slept on their paws. One white tiger was playing in the water and just loved it.

Somthing I also enjoyed was seeing the Cirque de Soleil preformance of Ka! It was an amazing preformance and so entertaining to watch. I loved it. If I could have watched it again, I would've. What made it so cool was that they weren't always on the stage, they were everywhere! I was never bored.
Basically the rest of the time was going through all the hotels and shopping. We found out that all the shops in the hotels were too expensive, so we went to the mall where the regular people shopped, and boy was it huge!!!!!! We also went to the Premimum Outlet stores because everything is cheaper there too. I loved it, and it was so cheap! I bought a pair of shoes....... hmmmmmm............
Miss you all

Friday, August 03, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Hello everyone!

Well, in a couple hours I'll be on my way to the airpot to get onto a plane. Oh, I hate planes. Anyway, at 3:00pm today my parents and I will be leaving our newly renovated house for Vegas. Our plane leaves at about 5:00pm and we'll arrive in Las Vegas at about 10:00pm in the evening.
While we're down there, we're going to be seeing the Cirque de soleil; Ka!, the white tiger exibit at The Mirage, the Star Wars ride, and quite a few more thing; hopefully as well as a few roller coasters.
Of course I'm going to shop down there. I have $222.00 to spend and I might not spend it all, but I want a few cool things to remember the trip. Maybe a cool shirt, or a new bag, or something else that catches my eye.
Anyways, when we get down there, we'll be staying in the Paris hotel (5 star.... wOOt!!!!) in one of their nicest sweets. I'm excited about that. I'm also excited to just see Las Vegas at night. It's supposed to be amazing. I can't wait to see all those neon lights everywhere. It's going to see so cool!!!!
When I get back I'll put some pictures up so everyone can see!!!!!! ^^

Love you all and hopefully see you when I get back!!!

P.S. I saw Erin at the White Spot last night and she says hi to everyone and can't wait to see us all again in September!!!!!!!