Monday, February 26, 2007

Hello everyone!

I went to the most raddest party last night! It was at Melissa's house and we ate pizza, cake, and watched Prde And Prejedice on her HUGE projector screen television. Joanna and I ate 6 pieces of pizza (Joanna was hungry and said she woudln't eat another piece unless I did; I took small pieces...... hehehehehe), but we both had small pieces of cake so it was all good. ^^ Also, Melissa got this amazing shirt; it has the Snow White queen on it and it says, "Mirror Mirror, who asked you?" lol! I love it!People that were at the party were myself, Tiffany, Stephanie, Brooke, Joanna, Amanda D, Jenna, Alyssa, Brittany, Natalie, Erika, Andrea, Melanie, Renee, Melissa of course, and a couple other people I can't remember.......... It was pretty rad.
Also, I went to Brittany's sweet 16 and that was soooo rad as well! Oh my gosh, there was soo much junk food it wasn't even funny. Brittany got this cool Rice Krispies shirt, as well as another shirt. She also got this amazing watert colour painting that my friend Rhys did; it is sooooo cool! It's amazing also how birthdays can give you sooooo much money. Both of my friends got tonnes of money. Man, I can't wait till my sweet 16 birthdya party!!!!!! It's going to be soooooo rad................................ I just nedd to find out what I'm doing first, but it's all good!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Hello everyone.

Right now I'm stuck in a socials class with nothing to do and I am totally bored! I wish I could go and do whatever I want with ma friends (hehe, Bob and Larry) but sadly, no luck getting out.......
All we have to do is a crossword and it' super easy; I've already finished half, and I don't want to finish the rest right now because it's sooooo boring....
Listening to Jeremy at the moment, and he's pretty cool. If only more Christian music was like his...... I would like a lot more singers that way^^. His voice is soo nice. Yes, I know I'm talking about random stuff right now...... I'm allowed to, aren't I?
Oh man................... I am quitting my job at Panago, not really the birghtest idea, as I don't have a new job to go to....... My mom wants me to because I'm getting this huge spreading rash all over my hands from somthing that's used there, so that's why I'm leaving. I put an application at the White Spot, but they don't need anybody at the moment. So, I might but another application form and resume down at the Towne Cinema and try to get a job there. So far, I know of wo people that actually work there. I would rather work atthe White Spot though.........................................

Oh well, I always have babysitting, and that pays well. ^^ lol