Thursday, January 25, 2007


Hello everyone!

Just recovering from a cold, and I'm glad I did when I did. Once I got back, I had to write a practice science exam, catch up on review, art assignments due at the end of the week, and I just finished a math provincial. Holy cow, I thought I wasn't ready, but I feel pretty good about the whole thing. A couple of questions I guessed at, but I think my reviewing of all of my math stuff helped a lot. Also, the practice math provincial I had from yesterday, some of the questions were on the test I did so I just reviewed those at lunch.

Anyway, listening to "Numb" by Linkin Park right now (Miami Vice theme song) and I am so bored because I can't talk to my friend Chantelle, as she hasn't finished her test yet. Grrrrrr................ I don't know what to do, but hopefully I find something to do for an hour before I murderlize something................

Speaking of merderlization, I want to muderlize the government because they were the ones who thought of these stupid exams that freak us tenneagers out. If the Earth was a world without tests, I would be super happy. I wouldn't be as stressed anymore, and have more time to do stuff instead of studying. I know some exams are needed like drivers licence exams for your L and N, but we don't really need school exams that are worth 25-40% of our mark. That freaks everyone half to death. The thing I always worry about is if I don't pass, I have to do the whole class again either next semester or next year. I would hate that more than anything.

Enough about tests, lets talk about plays. I have to go again tonight to take stuff on and off the set and then put it back on again. I'll be there from about 6:00pm till about 11:00pm and boy am I going to be tired tomorrow during school. I also have quite a bit of homework to do for Art class, but I don't think I'll have ebough time to do everything so I might bring my homework to do between acts, but that's only 20 minutes, so I might just wait until I either get home, or do it during my 2 art classes, but I already know that's not enought time to do 12+ pages. Oh boy, I think I'll be staying up late tonight with a blow dryer......................

I've taken a lot of pictures of all of my friends, so I'm going to probably put them up here in a collage when I have time, but that probably won't be t'ill about a week today after my two provincials. I am so glad I only have those 2...............

Friday, January 19, 2007

Last Two

From Front: Me and Zachary and Stacey and my mom Shelley behind us on Journey to Atlantis at Sea World

An actual jaw from the largest shark that exsisted. Woah, I could get swallowed pretty easilly by that thing, don't cha think?

Here's the last two pictures of my vacation I'm putting on my blog. The rest will be on my photobucket account.

More Photos

Our Waiter Anthony and his Assistant Waiter Tameia.
The preforming stage on board where we listened to singers and comedians and watched dancers and jugglers.
My extended family. From left: Zachary, Stacey, Larry and Lorna
First night on the Vision Of The Seas on the pool deck. Isn't it all pretty lit up?

Here are some more photos. Sorry I didn't put these up faster, it's just that I coudn't find the time to do it. I cannot fit all of them on here so I'll put them onto my photobucket account, okay?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Last Night

Hello everyone!

I had the most amazing night last night.

Before the dress rehersal for my mom's play "Lost In Yonkers" started last night, my friend Spencer came up to be and asked if my day at school went well. I told him that it went well, except for my teacher is making the whole class finish one third of a project she gave us on Tuesday due Thursday (aka tomorrow [last night]). Then he asked me which teacher it was cause if it was Mrs.Wedel he could help me (Mrs.Wedel's husband works at MEI Secondary), but I told him it was my sciene teacher Mrs.Thain. Then he said, "Okay then, I guess my help would work as a severe dis-advantage to you then..." and he gave me a hug. As we were walking down the hallway, we goofed around and laughed and also prayed that we wouldn't mess up that night. It was really cool.
The next thing I know my second mom, Stacey (Zach's [sorta brother] mom) comes up to me and says, "No flirting. Working, not flirting." She fools around with me a lot. But then she says, "Chloe you're not a stupid flirt as in you stutter and can't talk when you're around someone you like. You're a productive flirt as in you can talk and be normal." After this whole speech, I was shocked because I wasn't expecting that.
Anyways, during the break, Spencer and I are talking about how well the first act went, and how we haven't made any mistakes yet, when he says, " Chloe, you're amazing." and I asked, "Why?" and he answered, "Spiritually I can see you love God and you have an amazing family. You are also a great person." At this I said, "Thanks. You are too. I'm glad to have you as a friend." And he answers, "Me too," and puts his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the hallway.

So that is my exciting evening. The rest of it isn't that interesting, but I gave you the gist of it. Tonight I have to go to another play dress rehersal and stay there until about 11:00pm, but it's a lot of fun and I love helping out with plays and being in them^^.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Blah Blah Blah

Hello all!

I am so bored it's not even funny! Being in Information Technology with nothing to do is quite depressing. Well, I can always surf the net, but there's nothing I really wanna search for.................
Last night I doodled a couple of pictures, but I don't have a scanner so I can't put them on the computer....... Oh well, I might get one and I might not so all my drawings on paper you might not see. I'll try to draw more drawings on my computer, that's if I get a tablet for my computer....... *looks at mom and smiles*....... but I don't think that's going to be soon......

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Suessical The Musical

Hello all~

Doing 3 shows in one day is very tiring, especially when I have to sing majorly in every single show. Every once in awhile my voice was a little cracky, but I pulled it off, or at least that's what everybody told me. Everybody did a wonderful job on this play and put a lot of effort into making their character theirs. It took me months to figure out what I was going to do to make the Sour Kangaroo the way I thought she would be. I hope all my friends enjoyed either being in it or watching it.
I have some pictures of me in my costume with my friends inside and outside of the play. Hopefully I'll be able to put them up either on my blog here, or on photobucket soon................

Thursday, January 04, 2007

More Pictures

Here are some more pictures.

Finally Back!


As you can see, I am now back from my vacation. I got back from Los Angelis at around 3:00am and I am sooooo tired. When I woke up this morning I was thinking of going back to bed because I don't have to do anything today, but then I decided not to because I wanted to catch up on some stuff I havent been able to do for the past ten days.
I had quite a Christmas this year. It felt so weird to be away from my house and everything on a holiday like that. It was fun and really interesting, but I don't think I'll do it again........
If anybody's interested, my family and I took a lot of pictures during our vacation so I thought it would be cool to put some of them onto the blog. I'll tell you where they were taken and what they are. These pictures are sooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is some of the people that went with us (this guy name Jordan on the left is sooo nice, well, all of them are nice) We were waiting for our pland to L.A.
From left to right: Jordan, Courtney, Katie, Ryan

Here is the main lobby of the Vision of the Seas all decorated for Christmas.