Friday, November 24, 2006



Awe man my toe hurts sooo bad from Wednesday! I left school early on Wednesday to go to the doctor to get my ingrown toenial fixed. I have gotten my toe exsized so many times I thought I was going to be fine, but this time was different. When I got there, I waited for about 15 minutes to get into the nurses area so they could start the procedure. 5 minutes later, the doctor was in and about to put a needle on both sides of my toe. If you know anythig about me, it must be that I hate needles. When he put the needles into my toe, it hurt a bit, but as soon as the contents in them went into my toe, it was so painful it's not even funny.
25 minutes and 4 more needles later, my toe was frozen and they were starting to cut off the sides of my nail. I had seen my toenail get exsized before, but this time was so gross. This stuff that they use to kill the sides of my nailbed made my blood go from a blue-red to pitch black. My dad said that after I saw that I turned as white as a ghost. After the procedure was done, my dad took me to Walmart and bought me a pop and some candy. That made me sooo happy that I totally forgot about the pain in my toe.
Now, 2 days later, my toe still hurts, but luckily it's getting better, but I have to go and get my other big toe done in 2 weeks from last Thursday.


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

What an odd comment... It like had nothing to do with post but w/e I guess...

I'm hoping ur toe feelz better soon Cwoe...

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...


I have absolutly no clue who that is..........

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

I don't either, it could be an advertising spam. My online buddie used to get those on every post. Someone kept coming around and gave her a link to some site... So she had to put comment moderation on every time.

Anonymous said...

OOOhh chloe...have i told you lately how i love you...
*ew i hate that song!*
but i do love you!!!

ur so brave....i would've liked..screamed my HEAD OFF!
ur the best chlo...


º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

Awe Larry!!!!!!!!

Thank you...... and just think..... I have to go through it again next week........................................................................................................................................................................... ouchie.........................................................................................................................................................

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

Wow... Lots of "..." lolz. Oh Cwoe, I order you to get better
-hugs- I hope the second one doesn't hurt as much :(

Smile =) and be happy~

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

I have the biggest fear of Doctors/Dentists eva... I woulda cried before I got there...

º٭ºٔ Ð@iš¥ º٭º said...

I did........