Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nothing To Do........Wait a sec....LONG WEEKEND!!!!!! BOO YAH!!!!!!

Hello peoples. I am sitting in art class with nothing to do. I quickly finished my scetchbook assignment in about 15 minutes flat. It was pretty awsome. Anywayz, I am soooo sad because I have a math test after lunch and I am sooo not ready!!!!! I think I am, but whenever I get the test it's like.........*brain shutting down in!* I think my brain goes on strike whenever I go into a class that has a test.

.......Anyways..........................................LONG WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about this weekend because my dad and I have arranged a surprise birthday because last year we didn;t do anything for her *I know, extremely ride, but it's all my dad's fault....seriously!!!!!* but this year we're making it up to her! My mom's friend is going to pick her up from work on Sunday *yes my mom has to work on a sunday this week* and she's going to take her to the Greek Islands on South Fraser Way where 20 of her closest friends will be waiting to yell.... "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!" I am so excited about this it's not even funny!!!!! My dad and I are going to be going to get her presents, yes, I said PRESENTS, today or tomorrowso that we can wrap them and be all ready to go on Sunday. She is going to be sooooo surprised because over the years my dad and I haven't been very good at keeping secrest, but we've gotten better.

Chantelle: Hi Chloe!!!! I decided to type in your blog bwahahaha!

Hi Chantelle!!!!!!!!!! It's soooo cool how you can just do that! it's awsome!

Anywayz..... Ima done my test. I think I did good on it... not too sure though. I hope I get a good mark or else my math marks is going down the tubes! Oh well, I'll find out later on today or so..................


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

Such a colorful blog :)

Amanda said...

oooh cwoee.....
I *heart* YOU!

and i miss terribly!
(are you coming to youth tonight!??!?!?!?)

if not i'll see you on twwwoooosday!


Amanda said...

oooh cwoee.....
I *heart* YOU!

and i miss terribly!
(are you coming to youth tonight!??!?!?!?)

if not i'll see you on twwwoooosday!


ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

Wow... there are like two of the same comments o_0'

Eeeee!!! I'll see u at youth tonight Manda, and Cwoe u better show up 2.

I keep forgetting it's monday lolz. I woke up yesterday at 6:45 thinking I had to go to school... It's messed, I miss u guyz :)

ÇЋẫŊŦΣŁĻЭ said...

ooooo.... New layout! I wike it :D