Thursday, November 30, 2006

Beautiful Snow!

Awe man do I love snow!

When I first found out it was going to snow, I was so extatic. Now, 4 days after the first snow fall, there are piles of snow at my townhouse as tall or taller than me. I so badly want to go outside and hav a snowball fight, but alas, there are no teens in my complex besides me. It's really sucky when you want to go outside and you have nobody to play or hang out with.

Anyways, it's supposed to snow more sometime tonight or tomorrow and then turn to freezing rain. I'm just hoping that I don't get snowed in with nothing to do because it's so boring and bothersome. I just want a little more snow and then I can make a snowman, maybe a snowfort, and have a gigantic snowball fight ^^.

I am so glad that Abbotsford got a taste of winter this year because last year we got like no snow at all! I also want to be able to play in the snow before I go on vacation during Christmas, but that's a totally different story for a different time.......................................................

Friday, November 24, 2006



Awe man my toe hurts sooo bad from Wednesday! I left school early on Wednesday to go to the doctor to get my ingrown toenial fixed. I have gotten my toe exsized so many times I thought I was going to be fine, but this time was different. When I got there, I waited for about 15 minutes to get into the nurses area so they could start the procedure. 5 minutes later, the doctor was in and about to put a needle on both sides of my toe. If you know anythig about me, it must be that I hate needles. When he put the needles into my toe, it hurt a bit, but as soon as the contents in them went into my toe, it was so painful it's not even funny.
25 minutes and 4 more needles later, my toe was frozen and they were starting to cut off the sides of my nail. I had seen my toenail get exsized before, but this time was so gross. This stuff that they use to kill the sides of my nailbed made my blood go from a blue-red to pitch black. My dad said that after I saw that I turned as white as a ghost. After the procedure was done, my dad took me to Walmart and bought me a pop and some candy. That made me sooo happy that I totally forgot about the pain in my toe.
Now, 2 days later, my toe still hurts, but luckily it's getting better, but I have to go and get my other big toe done in 2 weeks from last Thursday.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Great Weekend

Hey all!

I had an awsome weekend! I met this really nice guy on Friday that was in the same play my mom was in. It was actually the same guy my mom wanted me to get intoduced to. His name is Spencer and he's totally awsome. It's sooo cool that I made a friend on Friday night. After the play, the cast went to Red Robins (never go their with a group of on.....). The company was great, but the food was horrible. My mom and me bought nachos and when we got them, they were totally cold!!!!!!!!!! Just to tell you, nachos cold are utterly nasty, and a lot of the other peoples food was also cold. On the way home, I got Spencer's e-mail and added him to msn as soon as I got home....................... which was about 1:30am.
On Saturday, I talked to him for the whole day until I had to got o work. It was pretty awsome. While we were talking, we made up random works and it was so cool, and after I finished work, I went to go and see the play again. Once Spencer found out I was coming to the play again, he dared me to give them a standing ovation. I took the dare, as I was going to do that anyway, but after I said I was going to do the dare, he said.................. "I'll look for you" and I didn't say this on msn, but AWE!!!!!!!!!! THEN, when I got there, I so sooooo many people I knew!!!!! I saw this one guy I was in a play with once, my soon-to-be boss and her husband (my mom's and dad's friends), and my friend CALEB!!!!!!! (he knows Bethany [dwarf and elven queen in The Hobbit]) He stood up with me on my dare and we made everyone stand up! It was sooo cool. OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! And during the play, at one point the lakeman Bard comes to see Thorin and the dwarves come out from the barrels they rode in to the Laketown from The Elven Fortress in Fangorn Forest, Thorin came in and kissed Bard because the barrels were "supposed" to be full of wine and he was acting like he was totally wasted...... aka............ totally drunk.
After the play was done, I got to go to Boston pizza with everyone for the last time. It was a lot of fun and I didn't get home until about 2:45.
On Sunday, I went shopping with my mom in the morning, and afterwards went to pick up Spencer, as we were going to the cast party and we were giving him a ride. When we got there, I sat between him and Bethany (my new friend who is also in the play) and we played games and talked a lot. Then at 4:00pm, we had to leave because I had to go to work (grrrrrr.........).
That was my exciting weekend.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Hey all,

I am so tired because of last night. You wouldn't believe what happened to me and this major wind blowing through ma town. At about 1:30pm I got out of school early and went to a doctor's appointment. After that, I now have to go back to the doctor's next Wednesday to get my toe exsized and get the size of my mail bed made dead. In other words, I have to go under the knife and leave school early yet again. I hate needles and it creeps me out to kingdom come. I also have to go and see a dermatologist (skin doctor) about these dark skin spots on my arms.

And that's just the start of my horrible afternoon. I got home to find out the power was off, so I couldn't plug my laptop in and do some of my homework. I got changed, and then went to the House of James (a Chritian book and music store) and got to see my friends from school and meet new people. That would have to have been the best part of my afternoon. While I was at the House of James, my voice lessons teacher phoned me from Tom Lee Music saying that i had no lessons because of the power being off.

After that it was nice because I got to spend time with my family by going to Boston Pizza for dinner where i had slamon and veggies (it was soooooo good). Then I went home and oh surprise, the power wasn't on. For the rest of the night until 9:30pm my mom, dad and myself played Monopoly and read our books (I'm reading house right now and it's sooooooo good!!!!). I was really upset when I had to sleep upstairs instead of sleeping in my room in the basement because it was too cold down there. The bed I had to sleep on is as hard as a rock so you could imagine how much sleep I got. Now I'm awake with only 4 hours of sleep in me, and probably my power still isn't on so here goes to another night with no heat and cement beds!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hawk Nelson!!!!!!!!!

I just found out something..............I LIKE HAK NELSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just borrowed my friends 2 C.D.'s and put them onto my computer and then Ima going to download them onto a blank C.D. and hav it for myself!!!! YAY!!!!!!! I love HAWK NELSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Nothing To Do........Wait a sec....LONG WEEKEND!!!!!! BOO YAH!!!!!!

Hello peoples. I am sitting in art class with nothing to do. I quickly finished my scetchbook assignment in about 15 minutes flat. It was pretty awsome. Anywayz, I am soooo sad because I have a math test after lunch and I am sooo not ready!!!!! I think I am, but whenever I get the test it's like.........*brain shutting down in!* I think my brain goes on strike whenever I go into a class that has a test.

.......Anyways..........................................LONG WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited about this weekend because my dad and I have arranged a surprise birthday because last year we didn;t do anything for her *I know, extremely ride, but it's all my dad's fault....seriously!!!!!* but this year we're making it up to her! My mom's friend is going to pick her up from work on Sunday *yes my mom has to work on a sunday this week* and she's going to take her to the Greek Islands on South Fraser Way where 20 of her closest friends will be waiting to yell.... "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!" I am so excited about this it's not even funny!!!!! My dad and I are going to be going to get her presents, yes, I said PRESENTS, today or tomorrowso that we can wrap them and be all ready to go on Sunday. She is going to be sooooo surprised because over the years my dad and I haven't been very good at keeping secrest, but we've gotten better.

Chantelle: Hi Chloe!!!! I decided to type in your blog bwahahaha!

Hi Chantelle!!!!!!!!!! It's soooo cool how you can just do that! it's awsome!

Anywayz..... Ima done my test. I think I did good on it... not too sure though. I hope I get a good mark or else my math marks is going down the tubes! Oh well, I'll find out later on today or so..................

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Me Again

Hey, it's me again. It's almost time for me to get off for tinight, and I wanted to do one last post before going off. I am so extatic about this blog because I can meet new people and keep up with my old ones.
After I get off, I'm planning to watch LOST, then CSI New York. It's going to be awsome, but then tomorrow I'm going to be so busy with musical theatre practice and Hip Hop lessons. Then on Friday I work, so today is the first real day off I've had ever, except for before I had any of this stuff which was last year.......
Sometimes I wonder why I wanted to do so many things, but on the other hand I am glad I'm so busy, I mean, I don't sit and watch T.V. all the time anymore because there's no teens in my complex.
Like I said, going off for the night and hope everyone has a great evening. And to everyone who watches either LOST or CSI New York, YOU ROCK! lol

My first post, hopefully not my last

Hello! This is my first post, and I hopefully will continue to post for a long time to come. I am so looking forward to talking to peoples and hearing other people's opinions on music, movies, etc...
This is my first time really keeping a blog so if I don't post for a couple of days, I'm just a little busy with work, and extra curricular activities. If you have any questions for me, comments, or ideas on how I can make my blog better, just give me a post and I'll read it as soon as possible.